Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry | Teen Ink

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

October 7, 2018
By TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
38 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is a historic novel by Mildred D. Taylor, surrounding the apartheid in 1930’s Mississippi. The story is told through the eyes of nine year old Cassie Logan, a black girl caught in the crossfire of a white-ruling time, not yet understanding why the colour of her skin matters so much. As the prejudice and hatred around her begins to involve her and her family, Cassie realises how much family means to her and why she must protect the ones she loves in these trying times.

I found Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry an alright book, as most historical novels I read are usually set before the 1900s. I liked Cassie’s character as she was admirable and strong, but I didn’t particularly like the dialogues in this book. The slang or mispelled language was sometimes difficult to understand and I often couldn't actually grasp what the characters were talking about. I really liked the relationship between Cassie and her family and I found the fight for integrity really inspiring. This novel describes the racism in early America and how people fought for what they deserved.


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