Free verse poems by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink

Free Verse

Most discussed Free Verse Poems

By MollyRuth GOLD
Bloomington, Illinois

Just seeing you in the hall makes me want to smile, So I bit my lip and turn, Then wander why. It hits me, I like you, I like you a lot, I don’t know that I have felt this...
MollyRuth GOLD, Bloomington, Illinois
15 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dreaming won't do... you have to remember to live."

By EmsMorningGlory SILVER
Manton, Michigan
EmsMorningGlory SILVER, Manton, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By MollyRuth GOLD
Bloomington, Illinois
MollyRuth GOLD, Bloomington, Illinois
15 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dreaming won't do... you have to remember to live."

By EmsMorningGlory SILVER
Manton, Michigan
EmsMorningGlory SILVER, Manton, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By swimmergirl GOLD
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
swimmergirl GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
16 articles 1 photo 14 comments
By stripperheels GOLD
Thornton, Colorado
stripperheels GOLD, Thornton, Colorado
12 articles 6 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Everyone wants to be happy, no one wants to be in pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain.

By stripperheels GOLD
Thornton, Colorado
stripperheels GOLD, Thornton, Colorado
12 articles 6 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Everyone wants to be happy, no one wants to be in pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain.

By emilyj93 GOLD
Naperville, Illinois
emilyj93 GOLD, Naperville, Illinois
11 articles 0 photos 22 comments
By xxbakerbabyxx DIAMOND
Coatesville, Pennsylvania
xxbakerbabyxx DIAMOND, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
79 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"life will only controll youh if youh let it"

By Heather Manning PLATINUM
Baltimore, Maryland
Heather Manning PLATINUM, Baltimore, Maryland
46 articles 0 photos 9 comments