A Few Seconds of Courage | Teen Ink

A Few Seconds of Courage

October 5, 2013
By Anonymous

I jumped off a mountain top
Hoping I’d be caught not dropped

For when I fell,
Though I didn't know I started,
That you would only catch me half-hearted.

I was so happy when I felt this new glow
I should of know how fast away this would go.

I tumbled down that rocky hill,
But did I jump of my own free will?

Or was it my heart whom I obeyed?

The top of the mountain, now I wish I stayed.

I fell to the ground,
and laid there for sometime,
until I could fake the words
“I’m fine.”

I picked myself up and dusted me off
Then carefully mounted the first big rock.

I climbed and I climbed,
Until I was back to the start

I began to mend my broken heart.

I looked over the horizon, to the setting day and


more mountains stood in my way.

Many more daring jumps I shall try,
I will be dropped
not caught,
but Never will I cry.

Each time that I jump, I’ll learn from my mistakes,
Because a few seconds of courage

is all that it takes.

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