Jellyfish | Teen Ink


March 16, 2011
By mcintoae BRONZE, Bellevue, Nebraska
mcintoae BRONZE, Bellevue, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Who's to say what's proper? If everyone decided that wearing a codfish on your head were proper, would you wear one?" -Alice (Alice in Wonderland)

Sailing and drifting
through a black ocean
outstretched limbs


for another like you:
spineless and alone.

The author's comments:
Dear Teen Ink,

My name is Angelina McIntosh. I am submitting my poem "Jellyfish" to your publication. I am a 17-year-old student in Omaha, Nebraska. I have never been published before but I would be honored if your journal was the first to publish my work.

I have been reading Teen Ink for years. The collection of poems and stories always interest me.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I patiently await a response and am willing to work with you on edits.

Angelina McIntosh
[email protected]

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