For a Second... | Teen Ink

For a Second...

March 25, 2009
By Sophia Sabeh SILVER, Piedmont, California
Sophia Sabeh SILVER, Piedmont, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For a second I thought the
first was the sadist the
cream was the crop the
loop was the knot the
no was the yes the
heart was the chest.

And the lamp breaks beneath my toes,
cracking ribs and breaking bones
climbing up the chain link fence
till I’m torn back to warm the bench

For a second I thought the
worm was the coccoon the
shirt was the tear the
porch was the stair the
phone was the call the
girl was the brawl.

And the lamp breaks beneath my toes,
cracking ribs and breaking bones
climbing up the chain link fence
till I’m torn back to warm the bench

For a second I thought the
car was the hit the
skull was the cross
stain was the spot the
baby was the shake the
help was too late.


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