A Daughter's Sonnet | Teen Ink

A Daughter's Sonnet

January 13, 2009
By bethanichristine BRONZE, Blissfield, Michigan
bethanichristine BRONZE, Blissfield, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is what I thought dads were supposed to do
Everything within their power and more
Keeping their daughter from falling to the floor
Yes I am young but I still thought I knew
Words now spoken, displayed - long overdue
Weights I refused to carry anymore
Things you say that cut like liar and whore
Still something you would like me to pursue?

Twist this however you would like it to fit
Despite how you say it I know you will
Something you possess, quite a skill
Perhaps I'll be sorry for letting me quit,
That same mistake again I won't admit;
Nothing less than what I want to fulfill.


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