Writing A Sonnet | Teen Ink

Writing A Sonnet

January 18, 2009
By clyn12 GOLD, Troy, Michigan
clyn12 GOLD, Troy, Michigan
12 articles 1 photo 9 comments

Writing this poem is like a cold, hard, season;
I doubt it will ever be finished.
Why do we have to do this? Is their a reason?
I wish this assignment were diminished.
Sonnets take too long;
They follow too many patterns.
So what if they sound like a song?
I don't see why these matter.
But they might be kind of fun...
They might be pretty easy!
In fact, I'm almost done,
This wasn't as hard as I thought it would be!
When writing a sonnet, don't get mad;
And don't automatically think writing one is bad.

The author's comments:
I actually wrote a sonnet!


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