Love, Life, and Death | Teen Ink

Love, Life, and Death

October 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Life ends with death, and death is a part of life.

Life is only for the moment
Death however is for a life time.
Death is seen as something to be avoided.
But I see it as something that is unavoidable.

Why do we bask ourselves in sorrow at the death of a loved one,
When we know that we are destined to be united once again.

The death of anyone should not be honored with sorrow, but with joy.
Death gives us a chance to look at the love in the world, and celebrate life.

The author's comments:
I Went to the memorial service the day that I wrote this poem. At it every one was there talking about how wonderful he was and how he really touched peoples lives. Every one just seemed so happy and at peace. It made me think about how this is how the dead should be remembered, in love and joy. Not with tears and pain.

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