In Memory of E.E. Cummings | Teen Ink

In Memory of E.E. Cummings

October 2, 2008
By Anonymous

A Poem Written Very Much Like "All in Green Went My Love Riding."

All in purple went my love riding,
on a great horse of white,
into the yellow dawn.

Four lean hounds crouched low and laughing, the merry deer ran after.

Fleeter be they than trappled dreams
the swift red deer,
the red mean deer.

Four red roebuck at a black water
the cruel bugle sang after.

horn at hip went my love riding
running the echo down into the silver dawn.

Four lean hounds launched off the
level meadows that ran after.

Softer be they than slippered sleep
the lean red deer
the fleet grown deer.

Four fleet went to a gold valley
and flamished the arrow that
sang before them.

Low at belt went my hope riding
riding the mountain down into
the yellow dawn.

Four lean hounds crouched low and
laughing the sheep peaks ran after.

Taller be they than counting death
the sleek slim deer the far tense deer.

Four far stags at a black mountain
the lucky hunter sang after.

All in brown went our love pounting,
on a great horse of gold into
the silver pond.

Four lean cows crunched low and howling, my heart fell dead before.

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