For a Brother: a Villanelle | Teen Ink

For a Brother: a Villanelle

March 25, 2013
By Soul. BRONZE, Alna, Maine
Soul. BRONZE, Alna, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For a Brother

Do not walk with shadows, dear friend
for life has greater need of you.
You are one young man far from bitter end,

And your heart I will do my best to mend.
Although you have been feeling blue,
do not walk with shadows, dear friend.

Off to heaven you will one day ascend,
but not so soon, brother. You must know this too:
you are one young man far from bitter end.

Do not break, but you will bend.
And I will be there, through and through.
Do not walk with shadows, dear friend.

I hope not to offend,
but you are going down the wrong avenue.
Remember, you are one young man far from bitter end.

I want you to comprehend,
my brother, I love you.
Do not walk with shadows, dear friend.
You are one young man far from bitter end.

The author's comments:
My brother had been going through a tough time, and we are so close that it affected me too. So, because I was too nervous to talk to him about it all, I wrote this Villanelle.


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