Little Child | Teen Ink

Little Child

August 23, 2009
By Joegirl2418 GOLD, Columbus, Ohio
Joegirl2418 GOLD, Columbus, Ohio
16 articles 0 photos 15 comments

In a world so lonely,

there’s nothing more beautiful

than the birth of a little child.

In a world so hateful,

there’s nothing more uplifting

than the smile of a little child.

In a world so prideful,

there’s nothing more humbling

than the meekness of a little child.

In a world so selfish,

there’s nothing more inspiring

than the compassion of a little child.

In a world so deceiving,

there’s nothing more reliable

than the honesty of a little child.

In a world so cold,

there’s nothing more comforting

than the warm embrace of a little child.

In a world so judgmental,

there’s nothing more reassuring

than the words of a little child.

In a world so immoral,

there’s nothing more relieving

than the innocence of a little child.

In a world so heartless,

there’s nothing more irreplaceable

than the love of a little child.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in dedication to both of my nieces and nephews.


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