I'm Just Another Page | Teen Ink

I'm Just Another Page

July 19, 2009
By trangh_64 PLATINUM, Dallas, Texas
trangh_64 PLATINUM, Dallas, Texas
23 articles 9 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No matter how sad or mad I am, deep down in my heart, my only wish is for you to be happy." -Trang

I'm just another page in your little journal
To be written on
To be scribbled on
Cause it doesn't matter to you
But you didn't want me to stay
So you torn me out
And threw me down
Now I'm a useless piece of paper
To be recycled into something new
But never truly fixed
Because the pieces you torn out
Will forever be gone
And I'm left with pieces
That just don't belong
All because I was just another page in your little journal


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