Golden Hair | Teen Ink

Golden Hair

March 29, 2009
By Haley Johnston BRONZE, Waterford, Virginia
Haley Johnston BRONZE, Waterford, Virginia
4 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Golden Hair

She is the girl with golden hair,
And I am invisible like the air.
The girl with the golden hair is strong,
As strong as her golden hair is long.
She walks with a graceful poise that shows,
As I slump around, eyes at my toes.
When everyone sees that sleek golden hair,
They freeze in place to gawk and stare.
For she is radiant like the sun,
Seen and loved by everyone.
While she is known and loved by all,
I am like a leaf in the fall.
One of many, but somehow different,
Blending in, though a colorful pigment.
So for a while I’m a beautiful leaf,
And float around in blissful peace.
But then comes along that golden- haired girl,
Running by, an elegant whirl,
That’s much more graceful than my lazy drift,
Legs bounding farther, silent and swift.
And although she avoids that beautiful leaf,
The people following cannot see.
That leaf is crushed and no one cares,
For they’re too blinded by that golden hair.


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