Gratitude | Teen Ink


July 15, 2018
By Elijah_Kerner BRONZE, Depew, New York
Elijah_Kerner BRONZE, Depew, New York
1 article 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything in life is either a lesson or a blessing"<br /> -Anonymous

The sun rises on the oval of crimson and white. The light of the sun showing its grandeur and pure size. It is here that I can gladly say I often reside. When I step onto this track I feel just right. On begins a new day, soon followed with the incessant pounding of the athletes’ feet. All training to be the best when they compete at track meets. Progress is made and records fall, but those are meant to be broken, and everyone competes for medals that are golden. These lanes, have become apart me, so much so that they have felt what I never told and just kept on the inside. They’ve felt both the pain in my steps and the joy in my strides. It’s here I’ve made both friends and rivals. Gone toe to toe with my idols. And I’ll leave this place with more than I came with on arrival. It was here that I had found a place and people of acception. Beforehand I had been a victim to rejection and deception. When I’m gone this will the place I most miss. Because it was here I found this elusive, indefinable, opposite of loneliness.

The author's comments:

This piece was really just to dedicate my experience on my high school track and what it has given me so far. Just a little piece for all of us student athletes out there!


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