Power | Teen Ink


May 30, 2013
By Luis Briseno BRONZE, Huntington Park, California
Luis Briseno BRONZE, Huntington Park, California
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

5 May 2013


If you had a lot of power, how would you use it? Having the official capacity to exercise control is the meaning of power. Any existing human being would truly enjoy having a lot of power. No matter what you think, having too much power would completely change the way you are. Too much power would either make you a much more virtuous person or a rancorous person. It’s very impressive how power could totally change the way you are.

Having too much power would most of the time make you into an ignorant selfish person. If you take advantage of the power you have and use it for an acceptable cause, you are very special. For example, Mahatma Gandhi was a very destitute and respectful man with a lot of power. He brought independence to India of British just by using different kinds of tactics like marching and fasting. According to www.history, Gandhi led a march of 240 miles to the Arabian Sea coast. Thousands of Indians joined Gandhi and an estimated 60,000 were arrested. This march didn’t give India independence from the British, but Gandhi and his people never gave up until 17 years later. It’s very impressive how a man without money could have enough
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power to take his country to independence. Sometimes it just doesn’t all depend on the amount of money you possess but on how well you use and display your power.

Unfortunately not everyone has the ability to use their power for a valuable cause. Most of the time too much power well make you into a very atrocious person. Any person has power but it’s all up to you to decide whether to use it for a reputable cause or inadequate cause. Sadly most of the time depravity takes over your power and yourself while you’re at it. If you let defective things overwhelm you it could easily transform you into a very cruel and evil person. For example one of the cruelest dictators of all time in my opinion is Adolf Hitler. With the only amount of power he had, he planned in creating a master race and monopolizing the whole world. Because of this plan he wouldn’t give up on, he killed millions of innocent people. According to www.biography, between 1939 and 1945, Nazis and their collaborators were responsible for the deaths of 11 million to 14 million people, including about 6 million Jews, representing two-thirds of the Jewish population in Europe. Even though Hitler didn’t do the killing it made him responsible because he approved everything. It’s very clear that if you let the evil side of power overcome you it would turn you into a depraved and destructive person just like Adolf Hitler.

Having the ability to influence others to believe, behave, or to value as those in power desire them to be is having real power. Having power by owning valuable stuff is the complete opposite of real power. Sometimes you don’t need power to necessary influence others but to influence yourself. Like when I try my best in school and my family is never proud of me. I’m sure they don’t believe that I’ll never be someone successful in life but knowing that doesn’t bring me down instead it pushes me to do better, because I got the ability to influence and believe in myself. Having the ability to influence others is as hard as trying to influence yourself but if you learn how to master the ability just like me, you will have a successful life, I can easily guaranteed you that.

Overall power has its satisfactory and awful things, just like anything else. It’s no one’s choice but your own to determine how much power you have. Not everyone is created equally and maybe you have the ability to gain power and make a change not just in others, but in making personal changes within yourself. In conclusion, if you know how to handle power to influence other just like Mahatma Gandhi did or handling power to influence yourself like me, everything will go out smoothly.

The author's comments:
Too much power would either make you a much more virtuous person or a rancorous person. It’s very impressive how power could totally change the way you are.


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