BTS: My Greatest Treasure and Why it Makes Me Mad | Teen Ink

BTS: My Greatest Treasure and Why it Makes Me Mad

January 30, 2019
By sunfloweryoongi BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
sunfloweryoongi BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
speak yourself

I'll be brief, and straight to the point. My greatest treasure is BTS, a South Korean pop group. They are often seen as either the biggest boy band at the moment, or pretty boys that make 12 year old girls scream and spend their parents’ money. However, that’s not all BTS has to offer, and the group is much more than pretty faces and eccentric dance moves.

I know what you may be thinking, “Oh look, one of those crazy BTS fans, trying to defend those boys, but all they really want is money.” Whether you want to listen to me or not, it cannot be denied that BTS truly brings a lot more to the table than vivid visuals and songs you can't understand. BTS, the group who is taking the world by storm, consists of seven members: Kim Namjoon (RM), Kim Seokjin (Jin), Min Yoongi (Suga), Jung Hoseok (J-Hope), Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung (V), and Jeon Jungkook. The boys produce music and dances with beautiful, positive messages.

BTS preaches an impactful message of self love through their music; their three part album series is titled “Love Yourself”. The group was the first ever KPop group to speak at the UN conference this past September, which is revolutionary. During this speech, the leader of BTS, Kim Namjoon, said, “No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin color, your gender identity, just speak yourself.” That line is held in high regard by millions of fans who have ever felt out of place or ashamed to be themselves. Speaking about controversial topics, such as gender identity and race, is something that takes a lot of strength for anybody. RM set a positive example with his bravery and it was a powerful choice that empowered all people, not just BTS fans.

BTS is my greatest treasure because the message the boys send with their visuals, their music, and their personalities mean a lot to me. Something I also appreciate about BTS is that they aren’t scared to come across as genuine people. They get hurt, depressed, tired, lazy, and they’re not afraid to show it. They are real people, and even though, as fans, we sometimes see them as perfect dollies, we know they aren’t (because they don’t hide their flaws). I also love that fans can tell how much BTS truly loves and appreciates their ‘ARMY’. I have been a fan of many other groups but I can honestly say that I have never felt as close to them as I do with BTS.

BTS is much more than visuals, even if their visuals, aesthetics, dances, stage presence, and everything physical is ethereal. The seven boys deliver a message that many turn a blind eye to because “they’re korean” or because they “can’t understand what they’re saying.” The stigma surrounding BTS leads to so many people disregarding what they have to say, and people replace listening with the prejudice they have adopted from others. People should give the group a chance and listen to their message. Thinking the fanbase is annoying is understandable, but the group has important things to say for everyone to hear, no matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin color, or your gender identity.

The author's comments:

helo i love bts

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This article has 6 comments.

Nattra BRONZE said...
on Jul. 2 2024 at 6:37 pm
Nattra BRONZE, Geneva, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you're going to make fun of me, improve yourself first." -Han Jisung

You described it perfectly <3

on Dec. 8 2022 at 11:15 am
FAIZAM BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
i AGREE with you 100% i am also a huge ARMY. They are really one of THE BEST artists of this generation I like how you mentioned the prejudice and biases people have against their music. They are not only amazing artists they are also wonderful human beings. tannies had a great impact on my life as well purple you

on Aug. 11 2021 at 6:24 am
Methmi PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
49 articles 15 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When things get hard, stop for awhile and look back and see how far you’ve come. Don’t forget how rewarding it is. You are the most beautiful flower, more than anyone else in this world.”

I am also a huge ARMY of BTS. I agree with you! BTS has changed my life.

on May. 18 2021 at 3:13 pm
Panic_at_the_disco BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dream's are powerful things. Know another's dream, know their heart<br /> -book with a rabbit?IDK

I felt this.BTS is teaching real life lessons that not a lot of people are willing to understand.

NovaSings said...
on Mar. 23 2021 at 8:46 pm
NovaSings, Payson, Utah
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I agree, not everyone sees that side of them and truth is they're wonderful they saved me from committing suicide and I'm so glad that I'm still here

EdiliDorm-23 said...
on Oct. 7 2019 at 3:06 pm
EdiliDorm-23, Ft. Washington, Maryland
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
THANK YOU!!!! I felt every word you said and people NEED to read this. I loved what you said because it's soooo true. I also can't understand why people can't understand the fact that these beautiful, kind, talented humans are here to help people all around the world through their music. They always find ways to see the bad in anything. They just wanna spread love.