Spot the Difference | Teen Ink

Spot the Difference

May 4, 2016
By mariyah13 BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
mariyah13 BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in the odd, and the different. I believe that everyone has their own special features and gifts that set them apart from everyone else. Throughout our childhoods, we choose friends that shared a favorite color, animal, or teacher as us, just so there would be something to talk about. Yet, after awhile, the topics we talk about begin to get old, and conversations get tiring. But, we still stayed friends, and did not choose to approach anyone else because we feared changed. Although, later on we find that change is a good thing. It teaches us that being different is fun, and that the world would be so boring if we all looked the same, acted the same, or even liked the same sports team. I believe that everyone is unique, and they should not try to act like others just because they think it is cool. I believe that unique is the new cool.

All my life I would always choose my friends based on what they liked, or what hobbies they liked, then I would compare it to me. I seemed to choose the people that were most similar to me. I finally realized that it kind of got boring because we all did the same thing all the time, and we never tried anything new. That is when I decided that I should become friends with someone that was a little different than me, and see how it goes. I found that I really enjoyed it because I began to gain interest in some of the activities and hobbies they were into.

From personal experience, I found that having diversity has made everything more entertaining. Believing in change and uniqueness is so important, and it provides us with a new view and challenge of life. But it is something I believe in deeply, and I feel that it is important topic that everyone should know about.

My belief is important for others to know because it causes them to step out of their comfort zone, and interact with others that may not have similar views than us. Also, by doing this, we are gaining more knowledge and figuring out what other activities we enjoy. Therefore, more of us should step up and find a friend that is from a different social group or class, and make small talk, and see where it leads us. As we grow older, we realize that being exactly like everyone else gets to be very dull and like a day by day routine. That is until we figured out what variation is, and how to respond to it, that our enjoyment improved.

The author's comments:

I wrote my piece because I wanted to share something I believe in deeply, and I thought it is a topic that everyone else should believe in as well.

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