Printed books VS E~books | Teen Ink

Printed books VS E~books

February 19, 2015
By Chibikiwicat BRONZE, Willamsport, Pennsylvania
Chibikiwicat BRONZE, Willamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be careful," Dont die"~ Minho from maze runner

The wonderful age of books is dying!! What i mean by that is that the twenty- First century thinks it can replace printed books with these so called E- books. This little problem caused an 8th grader named Isabel to write about how she believes that printed books are better than E- books. While another 8th grader named brandon disagrees with her and believes that E- books are in fact  better than printed books. They even have the same example in their arguments!
    I can prove this because when looking at the argument they both mention eye fatigue. Isabel states “... Your eyes may get a little fatigued from reading printed books, but the strain from staring at a screen is much worse”; she continues by saying “ Most other people already spend so much time on the computer and television screens.” While on the other hand Brandon states “ The other student wrote about our poor little eyes and the eye strain associated with it.”  So basically they both have talk about eye fatigue and thats how you understand that they use the same facts in their  argument.
    Not only that but they both mention very unique examples that spice up their arguments . Like for instance Isabel admits how you can download books to the e - reader  but if you are  a true book lover then you will never be able to pick up the book, feel the book nor smell the book or anything!! Another thing is that if you ever wanted to write in the book and write  your own notes you will never be able to because you will ruin the screen.
    Likewise  an example for Brandon that really brings out the argument in his essay is how he mentions the environment. He states “Think of all the forests we could save if people read E-books which is sorta true. Not only that but he also mentions thats Dr. Janet Chen mentions, who has written over ten articles on green technology said that we cut down so many trees each year to make paper. also sometimes the trees we cut down is normally wasted so both Brandon and Dr janet chen have a point.
    Ergo in conclusion both isabel And Brandon have the  same and different details that support their claim. Not only that but they also have facts that make their argument unique in many different ways.

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