Printed books VS e-books | Teen Ink

Printed books VS e-books

February 19, 2015
By Riley_Hilner BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Riley_Hilner BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you love to read books?Well if you do,do you think books will die before you die?It has a possibility, technology has grown so much over the past couple of years.They now have a new form of a book.Its called the e-book.Brandon and Isabel both explain their reasoning well about both sides of the argument.They both also give good facts about both sides.
    First books and e-books both affect the human body.The e-book could affect your eyes from looking at the screen. Isabel says that it could cause eye strain.Brandon stated that printed books could hurt your backs.He says in his essay,”my science book weighs ten pounds.”That is the fact that he presents of how books could hurt your back.That is how both books and e-books affect the human body.
    Another way that Brandon presents a unique fact is, if we have e-books it will not affect the environment. If we had e-books we wouldn't have to cut trees down to make more books because we would have electronic books. But if we still had printed books we would have to cut down more trees.
My next and last example is, if we have printed books we will still have the nice smell of the books. If we take away the printed books people will miss the smell that comes with the book.The e-book does not have the same smell as a regular printed book.
Now,can you see how much technology has grown over the past couple years?Both printed books and e-books make the world better.And it does not matter what we choose,e-books,or books,they both make the world better and it does not matter which one we pick.

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