Spying in the stores | Teen Ink

Spying in the stores

February 19, 2015
By Anonymous

“Spying on you in the stores”
Do you think stores should spy on you? I think that stores should spy on you because what if somebody stole from the store, a fight, burglary, and if somebody kidnapped they could go back to the cameras and find out who did it and what triggered it.
According to the Consumers Report. org most people think that they should have cameras to make sure suspiciousness isn’t going on in the stores, like shoplifting and if you get caught the cops could pull the the tape and look at it to see what they stole and see who it was that did the shoplifting.
If there was a crime in the store, some people may argue that they are being stalke, they feel like they are looking at their privacy that the customers are doing they watch them everywhere the go every move that they make in the stores and even sometimes they will track your phone down and send you adds to their store when you leave the stores.
What if somebody got kidnapped, the cops could pull the tape and look at it to see what happened and who did it in the stores. Thats why I think stores should spy on you to see everything you do not to see you just to make sure that nothing is going on in the stores.
I argue that stores should spy on you because its just like stalking you and invading your privacy because of my reasons that I talked about was shoplifting, crime,
and kidnapping. So that way stores should have cameras just for reasons, not to spy on you only for the bad things that happen in the stores, to catch the bad guys that does the bad crimes in the stores, or in other places where bad guys are found at.
Some people think that stores should spy on you because if somebody did something they could look back to the cameras to see who the suspect was and to see what they did and how bad it was, “Like the saying they say, you the crime you do the time,”they don’t want to watch you do what you have to do in the stores all they are watching is to see if theres anything going on it the stores.

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