Technology | Teen Ink


January 12, 2015
By Dezpina BRONZE, Oceanside, California
Dezpina BRONZE, Oceanside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The technology we have today is something that should make the world better and have more people educated about it, but we don't we have technology that is making people less educated and making the machines more powerful than humans. We have: cars that park themselves, wifi in cars, and phones that talk to us. Technology is amazing but with everything there's a consequence when we let it take over our lives. Everyone has a phone that tells them what their schedule is going to be like for that day and the day after that. Society has become dependent on the technology we have today, it has become something where the people need it more than they really need to. Phones are becoming addictions and people don't like going into situations without their phone with them at all times. We would rather see someone on social media than in real life. Technology is something that will never stop and it never should stop, but as a society we need to learn when we've had enough of it and learn when to step away from all of this technology. 

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