Take a Joke, Sweetheart | Teen Ink

Take a Joke, Sweetheart

January 29, 2014
By Anonymous

Take a joke, sweetheart is an article about a young girl who was being bullied and this boy was “trying” to make things better for her and give her advice on how to handle the situation. But the girl didn’t want to listen to him because she had figured everything out herself and in the end she realized that the boy trying to help her and the people bullying her didn’t break her down but that they had made her stronger.
Reaction: I thought this was a good life lesson. That you don’t always need to speak your problems, because other people may try to control your actions and certain thing might happen that shouldn’t. I think that the girl should have been more generous to the boy that was trying to help her out even though she thought she had everything figured out on her own. Because people can’t always do everything by themselves. You always need a friend by your side weather you want them there or not.

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