Ender's Game Review | Teen Ink

Ender's Game Review

November 22, 2013
By Anonymous

The movie was somewhat different compared to the movie because of the characters. I think the movie characters really changed the way I thought about the book too. One of the examples of the characters being different was their feature and they acted differently than the movie. Such as Bonzo, in the book they described him as a big and muscular guy who was really mean. In the movie, Bonzo was actually this short guy who was muscular and mean but he was not like the Bonzo in the book. Another example was Ender. In the book, Ender was supposed to be this little 7 year old who was small and always getting bullied and did not really stand up to his bullies. As Ender grows up in the book started to fight and stand up to his bullies. In the movie, Ender was 13 years old was still skinny but he actually stood up to all of his bullies so that he would not get bullied anymore and Ender never liked to lose in any argument and he always tried to start an argument. Also another character that looked different was Colonel Graff. In the book I though that was Colonel Graff was a white guy who was mean to the people in Battle School. In the movie I saw that Colonel Graff was a big mean black guy who always argued with Ender. One of the things that ended differently was in the ending when Ender defeats all of the bugger on the simulator, in the book he goes to sleep after he finds out that it wasn’t a game all along. In the movie, after he defeats the buggers, he does not go to sleep instead he goes out side to this weird cave thing that he saw in his other game and in his dream. So he goes over there and he finds the last egg of the buggers. Then a real bugger comes to Ender and then stares at him. Ender then tells the bugger that he will find a new home for you and that he will keep this egg safe. Also another thing the thing that was missing was when broke another launches arm and he got sent back home. In the book it talked about when Ender broke another launchees arm. In the movie it did not show that and that was one the events that were missing. I think that over the book was worst than the movie. Number one reason I think the book was junk was because it was confusing and it made me have to re-read the same chapter to really understand it. The second reason why I thought the book was not good is because the point of view it was at. The point of view was a third person point of view. I thought the first person point of view would have been better because then we would not have to know the story of the book without thinking too hard or getting confused. The Final reason why I think the book was junk is because I find it hard to read a book that has a lot of action. I think that the movie did a better job. The first reason why I think this is because while I was watching the movie I could actually tell what was going on in the movie without getting too confused. The second reason why I think the movie is better is because it showed mostly the important events that happened in the book making it less confusing. The last reason why I think the movie is better is because it showed a lot of funny scenes but still making the story off-track. I would rate the book a 6/10 and I rate the movie a 8/10.

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