The Peter Effect | Teen Ink

The Peter Effect

April 19, 2024
By Anonymous

I am writing about my friend Peter, a person who has been a mentor of mine for many years now. I choose Peter because of everything he has done for me, and how much he has helped me with golf, life, and mentally. He has done wonders for me, and expects nothing in return except for my success. Pete has that deep voice, one that displays knowledge and wisdom, through his 74 years of his life. He has gone through the deepest of valleys, and experienced great loss, and still remains the man I know, and support. 

I’ve heard people say, “You either love Peter, or you hate him.” His personality is one that you see only once in your life. He is a free spirit who speaks his mind and means no harm. Like a car without a filter, he lights up the room with his speaking, drawing ears from all around to tune into his conversations and stories. 

His stories. Oh boy does he love those. He has countless memories. Some he should have shared, and some maybe he shouldn’t, but regardless, when he speaks, he is a shooting star if it were frozen in the sky, that you stare at, and are mesmerized by with his experiences. 

Peter has been a mentor for me on the golf course ever since I started. At 74 years old, he still is able to shoot less than his age. He has the best short game you will ever see, and is almost guaranteed to be in the middle of the fairway every single hole. 

Peter isn’t just a friend. Peter has been like family to me. “The grandson that he doesn’t have” my dad says to me. Peter's support has been one of a kind, and his qualities make him more than I deserve, or anyone deserves.

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on May. 3 2024 at 6:02 pm
withanamm BRONZE, Islamabad, Other
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Favorite Quote:
"All art is at once surface and symbol.<br /> Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.<br /> Those who read the symbol do so at their peril."<br /> - Wilde

this is lovely