To Drive or Not to Drive | Teen Ink

To Drive or Not to Drive

May 20, 2013
By jennawalters GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
jennawalters GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The rule about driving between campuses during school hours for students is a very controversial topic among students and faculty. Students are not allowed to drive their cars between campuses. Instead, they are required to walk between campuses yet still be expected to be to each class on time.
Emma Rafferty, sophomore, says that the rule is pointless.
“I feel like it’s child torture. They make us walk in the snow and the cold. It’s freezing out!” Rafferty says.
Rafferty says she doesn’t know whether she should park at north or south in the morning because she starts at south, but ends at north.
“Either way, I have to waste my time walking because I can’t just drive between the campuses,” she says.
Lauren Prodoehl, also a sophomore, says the rule is stupid.
She says she figures they have the rule to avoid over parking at either campus, but she thinks there should be a better reason because she finds walking a waste of time.
Prodoehl and Rafferty feel they could get to their class at north more efficiently if they could drive between the campuses.
Officer Friar says there are many reasons why the rule is in place. He says Arrowhead worries about students violating their license privileges. If a student offers to take one of their friends in the car to a class with them that could turn into two or three friends and that’s not expectable he says.
Friar says if students were allowed to drive between campuses, there is always the allure to leave . He says students could decide they want to go get some McDonalds before class or just leave in general.
Once a student is in their car, there is also a chance that the student could have alcohol or drugs and could get into that during school hours, which would lead to more trouble, he says.
Friar says he does not see the rule changing anytime soon.
He says if a student is caught driving between campuses, to or from classes, their parking privileges will most likely taken away. However he says each case is different and they are dealt with case by case.
Friar also says he has a responsibility to keep students safe once they’ve arrived and parked at school.
So even though driving between campuses is a controversial topic among Arrowhead students and faculty, it looks like students will be walking for a while.


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