Career Interview | Teen Ink

Career Interview

April 22, 2010
By selizabethg BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
selizabethg BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How do you usually feel when entering a new classroom?

I usually feel like it’s a new adventure. I don’t know how the kids will behave. I don’t also know the lesson plan that will be left for me, and I don’t know if this class will challenge me because I’m a substitute.

How do the student’s usually act around you, do they help or cause more harm?

It all depends on the classroom. Some students like to help me out with things such as passing out papers and other classroom chores. Others don’t like me around because I’m not their usual teacher, which is understandable. They are uncomfortable around me so it’s tougher to teach them, especially when I teach special education kids.

What grade do you like to teach the most, and why?

My favorite grades to teach is preschool. Teaching them is fun because they’re cute and they do activities that you wouldn’t usually end up doing in school. An example would be playing with bubbles. I don’t feel like I’m working when I teach them, it’s enjoyable.

What do you like the most about substitute teaching?

It’s a new adventure everytime! I never know what to expect and usually I leave the classroom happy. I get a new experience each time I and I like that. I meet many new kids and get to learn a lot about them.

What made you choose this as your job?

The work hours are the same as my children’s. So I get to work and earn money without having to miss time at home with my kids. I really like that, because other jobs would keep me from missing out on things at home.

If someone told you, you would be doing this back in 8th grade, what would you say to them?

I would be surprised and doubtful, because I always thought in the business world. Which i was in for 20 years, but I never thought I would be doing this in my lifetime.


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