interview with evalise | Teen Ink

interview with evalise

October 20, 2009
By ArLeTtBuEnO BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
ArLeTtBuEnO BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The amazing interview staring Ms.Nieves
Have you ever wanted to know about someone’s personal life? Well today is your day

Today I had the chance to interview one of my close friends Evalise Damara. I interviewed her because I wanted people to know more about her life style.
Ok every1 im sitting here with evalise say hello to the people evalise hello well are you ready to start the interview yea lets go
Q: evalise who was your first kiss with?
A: Carol at head start (ECE).

Q: Who was your first boyfriend?
A: Timmie Turner.

Q: Where are your mom and dad from?
A: Mom is from Puerto Rico and dad is from Louisiana.
Q: How many brothers and sisters do you have?
A: 11 brother and sisters (7 brothers, 4 sisters).
Q: What’s your mom’s name?
A: Michelle otero.

Q: What’s your dads’ name??
A: Jaspel McCurry.
Q: Have you ever had gotten spank? Why
Q: Do you like drama? Why?
A: No because people get hit in the process?
Q: What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
A: I don’t remember.
Q: Have you ever fallen in LOVE before?
A: YES I have only once.
Q: Have you ever gotten in a fight before? With Who and Why?
A: With my sister only.
Q: What’s one of your favorite foods?
A: Fried Chicken.
Q: What are your favorite colors?
A: Red, Green, purple.
Q: What’s your favorite subject in school?
A: I like all my classes equally.
Q: What do you do when you have free time?
A: I draw on my free time.
Q: What’s one thing you like about yourself?
A: My Hair.
Q: Tell me the most difficult problem you ever faced before?
A: When my friends were fighting I had to choose which one to be friends with.
Q: What’s one thing you like about life?
A: The experiences.
Q: Have you ever done something that you regret?
A: Telling my friend boyfriend she was cheating on him.
Q: Have you ever been in a situation that you just can’t get out of? What and Why?
A: No not really.
Q: Do you ever think of doing something stupid to yourself?
A: No because I don’t have a reason why?
Q: What’s your dad’s name?
A: Jasper McCurry.
Q: If you had the chance to get back with the one you love would you ever do it?
A: YES I would get back with him if he wanted to get back with me, if I had the permission of his ex-girlfriend.

The author's comments:
this is my friend evalise and i want you guys to know about her


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