Dear some of the Dread Smp | Teen Ink

Dear some of the Dread Smp

June 9, 2023
By Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
54 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take that depression!" - Lucifer, Hazbin Hotel

Dear Tommyinnit,

Thank you. You taught me when my parents never would. You showed me that people can be kind even in fields of rough days. You showed kindness even when you were hurting. You deserve everything. 

Dear Tubbo,

Thank you for being you. You're so kind, funny and unique. I aspire to be like you if I make it. Thank you for that joyous smile, thank you for never giving up, thank you for everything.

Dear Ranboo,

In one of your streams you said that you have random people saying they did stuff for you, well it's true. You made me stop trying to commit suicide. Thank you for always being there even though we don’t know each other. 

Dear Philza Minecraft,

Dadza, a calm and loving person never afraid to put others before himself. Thank you for being the father that my step-dad promised but can’t be.

Dear Wilbur,

If one word could describe you it would be perseverance. 

Dear Aimsey,

You have always been one of my comfort people. Sad, watch Aimsey, just need a break, watch Aimsey. You are the only person I can watch for hours on end. Thank you for giving me the courage to be who I am.

Dear Nihachu,

Thank you for being so patient and kind with everyone. You really are a superstar.



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