Teenage Ways | Teen Ink

Teenage Ways

December 2, 2024
By Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
53 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take that depression!" - Lucifer, Hazbin Hotel

Being a teen is like a far pool that you can’t see into. Diving down to the great unknown is a feeling some crave, and some shy away and try to keep their head afloat. Though most people might try, at one point or another someone will push you under. After, you will learn to swim and follow the waves to make it out alive. To keep afloat is a glory many succeed in doing, while some may drown. On the other hand, while some swim, some may fly. When you fly it's a feeling of amazement and maturity. You can soar above the rest and see how small they look. But let me remind you not to take advantage of this because if you go too high, you may fall. When you fall, you might realize that everyone you thought was small was just battling with the gravity that you were defying. Mand can’t fly, many can’t swim, all don’t know what’s yet to come.

The author's comments:

Uses a lot of analogies that connect to a teenage life.

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