Tap water or bottled water? | Teen Ink

Tap water or bottled water?

April 1, 2010
By Erin Zakor BRONZE, Sewickley, Pennsylvania
Erin Zakor BRONZE, Sewickley, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Americans have gotten the message that water is a lot healthier than soda, and the evidence is everywhere: plastic water bottles stuffed into backpacks, gym bags, and all too often, tossed empty on the side of the road." People argue that bottled water should be limited, and everyone should drink tap water to limit the amount of bottles litered on the street. I think if we go back to tap water instead, more people will make the change to bottled unhealthy beverages, for example soda. Even though people may be litering water bottles, at least its water bottles on the streets and not soda bottles, which is one big step in our society of becoming healthier.


This article has 1 comment.

Bethani GOLD said...
on May. 30 2010 at 8:42 pm
Bethani GOLD, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
10 articles 0 photos 508 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is perfect until you sit back and realize how boring it is without risks.

We were talking about this in geography class and we agreed that you should have a choice. Just recycle it! Don't be lazy. And more recycling should be available.