Being me(a girly girl) | Teen Ink

Being me(a girly girl)

November 9, 2017
By the-blondie BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
the-blondie BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
home is where the heart is

When I was born I was born a girl, and I still am a girl. I think that in this world most people think that if you're born a girl/boy that you stay that way. But no. People have the right to change the way they want to change. People have no right to tell somebody who they have to be. And that goes for everybody. Growing up I sometimes played with my friends toys because they were different than my toys. My toys were girly and preppy and princessy. His toys were dinosaurs, dragons, and cars. I remember when I was little I always went to my neighbors house and played with toys and my toys that I would bring over. One day I went to their house and nobody was home, so i peeked through the window. All their furniture was gone. And the pretty flower plant in the front of their house went missing. About two weeks later I realized they had moved, and that they weren't magical. After all this I would go up to my room and spend my time playing with the barbies until I had to sleep. No matter how hard I tried to play by myself, i realized I couldn’t.


My family had bought a huge blow up pool that I loved. It was amazing. I always played with my barbies and my little toy cars in the pool. I used to go under water and pretend I was a mermaid. I used to set goals for myself when I was five. I completed all of them except one, being a mermaid. Unlike most people I thought I lived under water, could breath underwater and had a tail. Ond very cold day my Dad told my family that the pool was closed for the day because it was so cold. When I heard the news I ran to the coach and screamed in the pillow.”a fort” I thought in my head. Being a five year old girl who had a big imagination was too big for my family. Also having ADHD was big to. When I tried to turn my fort into a castle it collapsed. And then I cried. The best fort I ever made was the least like a castle. And that was where I stopped.

The author's comments:

this is my child hood


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