My Dear Denardier | Teen Ink

My Dear Denardier

August 4, 2016
By Cwitmer19 GOLD, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
Cwitmer19 GOLD, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"We are the all singing all dancing crap of the world"-Tyler Durden

My dear Denardier,


I find my time here at an impasse, devoid of the genteel respectability of you helpful nudges. There is a loss of directionality in your loss, and I feel it's weight upon myself at every moment of the day. With each passing moment I crave the sparing nature of your conversation, and the genuine honesty with which you delivered witticims. News of the Weisenchester manner has come recently and I fear, despite the reasurrances of the grocer and the burser of Cornwallis financials, that the estate of my dear grandmother, passed on now so tragically, will befall a fate of public property ownership despite my personal efforts to aquire funding which would prevent this. I must confess, that there is a secondary urgency to my correspondance with you Denardier. Seeking the companionship of another, I sought the employment of a lady of the night not some three weeks ago. Presently, due to a plethora of unforseen circumstances, these indisgressions of late have brought me into shaky hands with the law. Neither the formal apology which I have created nor the copious donations which I have made to their organization have done a sight to soften their view of me. It feels on the whole as if you are the only friend whom I share any real view of the world with. Perhaps we should finally meet, if your ventures bring you forth to the streets of Essex London. If not, I still bid you a fair day.

With a love between two beyond all others,


Nigel Mcnair


42 W. Court Street, Essex London


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