Let Me Help You | Teen Ink

Let Me Help You

December 19, 2014
By GirlWhoWrites PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
GirlWhoWrites PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
23 articles 0 photos 12 comments

I understand that you want to protect me and that's the only reason you won't tell me the truth. Whatever it is I can handle it. I might not be okay for while, but I will be. I know you don't want your problems and your life to affect mine,  but no matter what they do.  For every tear you shed I shed two.  Every time you're in pain I feel it twice as bad. But what hurts me the most is you won't tell me what's happening to you, you won't let me help. I see you miserable and depressed and all I want to do is help you and pull you out of this. I reach out my hand, but you won't take it. I throw a rope down to you, but you won't climb up. I make a bridge out of myself for you to walk on, but you won't take a step. You say say you're fine, but you're not, I can tell. I ask you what's wrong , but you won't tell me, and that just makes me hurt even more. You may think that you're protecting me with your lies. The truth is you're just making it worse. I think that I can help you if only you'd just let me.


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