I'll Take Care of You | Teen Ink

I'll Take Care of You

December 30, 2013
By Katkin PLATINUM, Three Hills, Other
Katkin PLATINUM, Three Hills, Other
34 articles 24 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Writing is a socially acceptable form of Schizophrenia."

In the evening, when the day is done, all our rushing around finished, we will sit together in the silence. It will be as the first time, every time, refreshed each evening. My tiredness will fall away at your sweet words, words I will trust completely.

You will be my protector through the storm, my companion through this big, lonely world. Our love will be strong, true and deep, based on the bonds of friendship. My fears, I’ll share and in me you’ll confide as well, strong together.

We will dance in the twilight when all thoughts are gone and all worries put to rest. Silence will reign but not an uncomfortable one. The silence will be louder than all our words, communicating your love for me and mine for you.

When the bitter tears fall, and I know they will, there you will be to hold me, to kiss every tear away, whispering, “Hold on. It will pass”. Together, we’ll suffer and shiver as the cold rains of life fall, surviving on each other’s warmth. Together, we’ll remind each other that light always comes after the darkness.

I will love you till the day my last breath flees my body. Devotion to you, a gentle touch, mutual commitment. You will be mine and I will be yours, together on this tumultuous journey.

You will show me off to the world, see me in a way I never can, yet I catch a glimpse. My brokenness is seen as beauty through your eyes and again and again, I’ll be surprised and delighted by what you see.

We will grow old, wrinkled and faded. Times will pass, both good and bad, yet every evening we will dance, and you’ll whisper to my heart, “I’ll take care of you.”


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