The Final Straw | Teen Ink

The Final Straw

July 19, 2009
By Meghna Kadalbajoo GOLD, Melbourne, Other
Meghna Kadalbajoo GOLD, Melbourne, Other
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Sweat poured down my face, in small drops. I was there, in the district vortex final, after ten rounds of hard work. All of the other competitors looked nervous just like they were in a super math’s contest. The girls were hopping around, as if they had ants in their pants, although you could tell that they were nervous. Our teeth were chattering making the competition seem it was held in Antarctica. But we had to stand up and be strong. We couldn’t afford to back out now; all of our precious hard work would go down the drain. My brain started to think, ‘Am I going to win happily, or lose while trying?’ My brain started reflecting on these thoughts. Finally, a large man came up to us and gave us the news we were all waiting for, “Can all the girls in the final round for vortex, please take a vortex and go to the starting line’’. We all walked nervously to the starting line, as if we were trying to take a picture of a wild animal, walking slowly and softly. As the loud starting whistle echoed through my ears, indicating we could throw, I felt a sudden surge of strength go through me telling me I could do it. I threw my vortex; with all my strength. I was highly surprised with the result.
I had won.
I had beaten them.
I was proud.


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