A Drowning Soul | Teen Ink

A Drowning Soul

June 15, 2014
By Master_Dylan_Bishop GOLD, Beaumont, California
Master_Dylan_Bishop GOLD, Beaumont, California
13 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever.” ― Alfred Tennyson

The world was sinking, buildings were collapsing, and the whole world had gone silent. I was lost in this world and everywhere I went, my heart only grew heavier. Without warning, a skyscraper collapsed and was falling right towards me. I turned to run for my life but I discovered my feet were swallowed up by the earth. I fought to pull myself out but I only grew weaker with each attempt and I eventually accepted death, which was soon closing in. I closed my eyes as the skyscraper was inches from crushing me but then suddenly, the earth completely swallowed me. I thought I was safe but I was wrong. I was now suffocating and I thought this would now be the end. My heart was two beats from death and then the world opened up once more. I fell into a deep cave, which was pitch dark and freezing cold. I felt around for a place to sit and I fell upon a stone. As soon as I thought there was peace, the cave filled up with water and I was drowning. I tried to swim up but something kept pulling me down. I was done for… My life was being sucked right out of me. I had lost all my strength and all my hope… My heart was breaking and my soul was crumbling.

I thought I was completely dead inside when the last bubbles escaped from my mouth as I sunk to the bottom of this deep cave. My eyes flickered as I saw death approaching. Death was chilling and it reached towards me. My eyes widened in fear but I didn't have the strength to move. I was losing my soul. Death was winning and it laughed at me. I couldn't run. I couldn't move at all.

This chilling hand was inches away from wrapping around my heart until the cave split open. A huge, blinding ray of light shot through the water and it burned straight through death. As the light surrounded me, I heard a cry of defeat coming from death. I was afraid at first but then I was comforted. I felt myself being lifted upwards and a new life came into my soul. I rose out of the water and I was carried all the way to the surface. I was spit out from the earth and landed on the street that once swallowed me up.

The whole world around me was made new. All the buildings were rebuilt and the world was bursting with new life. I fell to my knees in the street and wept. I could not comprehend it but all I knew that was my soul was not taken. Something saved me from death that day. Through my blurry vision, I felt in my heart to look towards Heaven. I had no words but my whole being was grateful. When death was closing in around my heart, God was the light that saved me. God was victorious that day.

The author's comments:
This story speaks of my own experience with depression and the tragedy of almost ending my own life before God saved me. I truly hope you enjoy it.


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