script | Teen Ink


May 21, 2013
By MeganBrooke BRONZE, Harrodsburg, Kentucky
MeganBrooke BRONZE, Harrodsburg, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Closing Leadership Camp Script: 2013

President: Michaela (Katniss)
1st Vice: Taylor (Effie)
VP of Community Service: Megan (Primrose)
VP of Membership: Brooklee (Reaper)
VP of Peer Education: Susannah (Haymitch)
VP of Finance: Danielle (Sponsor)
VP of Parliamentary Law: Tabitha (Game Maker)
VP of STAR Events: Katelyn (Cinna)
VP of Public Relations: Brooklyn (Caesar)

(All officers are waiting onstage until the video is finished playing. Lights are down.)
President Snow: (Video) What have we become? How has your district changed? What have we learned? How are the future family career and community leaders of America impacted? Now and forevermore is the time for you to show what you have learned.
(Lights come up)
Effie: (Center stage stepping forward) Oh, how things have changed! So the games are over, and the success of the organization thrives on your new skills.
Game Maker: (Step forward) I learned how to be the game maker my Pan-am needs. I now know how to use the FCCLA Handbook and Roberts Rules of Order New Revised effectively to keep everything fair and running smoothly.
Cinna: (Step forward) I now know how to prepare tributes for the future by competing in Star Events and earning a Gold Rating. With my new sense of tracker-jacker time management skills no obstacle will stand in my way.
Sponsor: (Step forward) As a sponsor I make sure that all the tributes activities and fundings are accounted for. I could not have learned anywhere better than the Leader games on how to keep my budget balanced and my district financially happy.
Reaper: (Step forward) Through my new tribute games and activities and membership drives I am able to recruit more tributes to join the organization of FCCLA for the upcoming draft.
Katniss: (Steps forward) With my new found leadership skills and abilities I will hit a bulls-eye consistently when it comes to taking charge and making executive decisions.
Prim: (Talking to Katniss) I am just so elated that I could be of your service Katniss. I was able to help you, the community and my organization. (Katniss starts to walk away as she nods in approval) Wait, don’t forget your gavel, you must have it to make decisions and progress within the organization.
Katniss: (Talking to the entirety of officers) I don’t know what I would do without the FCCLA leaders helping and supporting not only me, but also all the tributes.
Game Maker: (To Katniss) Hey Katniss, how did you learn to be such a great leaders?
Katniss: (To Game Maker) First off, I went to the 2013 FCCLA Leader Gamers where I met fellow tributes and a person named Haymitch.
Game Maker: (To Katniss) Who is Haymitch?
Haymitch: (Walks into the conversation, all other officers step back into the background.) That is I! I am a victor of the games.
Katniss: (To Haymitch) How did you help me become a leader? The Game Maker is wondering.
Haymitch: (To the Game Maker and Katniss) Well, I helped you learn the many National Programs that our Organization has and how to implement them in the towns, the districts and the Pan-am. But you also helped me learn how to help mentor my peers and become a friend to all the tributes.
Caesar: (running in to the middle of the stage with a microphone, in a loud voice) Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for joining us this week to the 59th Annual Leader Games! I am happy to announce that I, your host, Caesar, now have the skills to promote the next Leader Games and this organization through-out the Pan-am.
Effie: Hold on, let me write that down! I now have the knowledge to take minutes and have organizational skills that I couldn’t have learned except from the Leader Games! I hope that everyone has learned from the Leader Games on how to be the Leader that the Pan-am needs! Good night, and see you soon!
All officers: Happy Leader Games, and may the future be ever in your favor!

The author's comments:
a script to fccla leader games


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