December 2, 2011
By theonetheonly GOLD, Oak Lawn, Illinois
theonetheonly GOLD, Oak Lawn, Illinois
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;life is short, live it up to the fullest&quot;<br /> &quot;Live your live to the fullest, because it isn&#039;t easy just being yourself&quot;

Did you ever notice when there are a lot of little kids at a park. They start to fight over the littlest things. Watching little tikes run around the playground falling and getting jet black on their legs and hands. It’s just like being little again and getting dirty when you watch them. Then you see a long line just for a big green slide that has purple on it. It looks kind of like a barney slide. But out of nowhere you hear a little kid blurt out “hurry the F-up to another little kid. Parents start to look around and then act like it wasn’t their kid saying that. Those little kids with the pink plush lips looking so innocent and saying these horrible words to one another. They give their parents the puppy dog look with the big bubble blue eyes and the hovering lip. Its funny how the parents don’t say anything for a while till their kid says something nasty again. Kids start to go down the slide and the kid blurts out the same exact thing again and again till it is his turn. Then he’s like “Damn, that took forever.” In the quietest voice you hear their parents say it’s time to go home. As soon as you hear that then you really know whose child it was. Making it obvious is kind of expected by the parents. Better yet as they start to leave the parents face starts to turn cherry red because the kid is cussing again. After they leave the kid is like I’m flipping hungry can we go to Mc Donald’s like now. I have the taste for some of those delicious golden yellow fries and golden brown nuggets. What does a little kid have to do to get some service around here? The little kid steps up to the counter I want this this and this right now. And as an adult you look at your child and they have this big grin on their face and think it’s funny and you as a parent think that you just want to crawl in a hole and hide. But all that is fun and games but you know in your heart that and at the time it’s wrong but it’s still funny knowing it’s wrong but you still laugh. And as soon as you get home things are different even though you know that you have to be the bad guy you still make it right. Being a kid is harder then you think we do a lot of things that we should not but that is why we have parents. Even though we learn it from them most of the time. They just don’t get it everything they say we hear and repeat so don’t be mad at us for your mistakes. Sometimes you just have to laugh and don’t let your kids see. What would you do if you were a parent and had a kid and they were on rulely and they were a mocking bird and repeated everything you said?

The author's comments:
my experience at a park with a lot of little kids.


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