Golden Rule | Teen Ink

Golden Rule

June 19, 2024
By CosmicNeon BRONZE, Hancock, New York
CosmicNeon BRONZE, Hancock, New York
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If everyone had imagination no one would need guns - Anynomous

Ahmed's seat tipped forward; he almost fell this time. His seat rocked back and forth and no it
was not a rocking chair. Ahmed spun his head round and stared right at Omar, a smiling Omar
stared back at him. "Stop," Ahmed said
"Why would I do that?" Omar kicked Ahmed's seat again.
Ahmed lunged forward in his seat, "I'll tell the teacher,"
Omar smirked, "Do it,"
"Ustadha... Omar's kicking my seat!"
The teacher looked at Omar; Omar leaned into his seat and put his hands in the air defensively,
"I don't know what he's talking about Ustadha, I was doing my test," Omar waved his paper in
the air.
The teacher looked at Ahmed, "I swear I'm not lying," he yelled.
"Listen boys, class is almost over, can we stop fighting till then or do ya'll wanna go to the
principals office,"
Ahmed glared at Omar, "No, we don't wanna go," he whispered. Once the teacher turned
around Ahmed felt another kick on his seat.
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot,"
"Haha, I win," Omar yelled in his sisters face. He climbed into the front seat. Amina grumbled,
talking about how this wasn't fair and that she was a whole 3 minutes older. Omar's Ummi got
into the car and they started driving, Omar felt pounding on his seat. Boom, boom, boom, "Will
you stop that," Omar yelled at Amina.
"No," she said
Omar turned around in his seat to grab her leg when his Ummi stepped on the brakes. Omar
went flying into the dashboard, "Omar, put on your seatbelt now, you could've been seriously
injured," his Ummi snapped.
Amina blew raspberries from the backseat, "Ummi, Amina is spitting on my seat and kicking
me," Omar Ummi didn't say anything, "Ummmmmiiiiii!!!"
On the way back home Omar sat in the back seat.
When Omar came to school the next day Ahmed wasn't in his seat instead he sat in the back
where no one was behind him.
The teacher pulled out a small green book, "Today," she said, "We are going to learn the first of
the forty hadith, which in English is none of you is a believer until he likes for his brother what
he likes for himself,"
Omar looked behind him at Ahmed. Ahmed loved being at the front, and it was easier for him to
see - cause he's kinda short. Now, Omar felt really bad about what he did. Omar brain snapped
did this mean he wasn't a good Muslim, that he was a bully, that he was going to- "Omar why
aren't you repeating after me?" the teacher asked
Omar got up from his seat, "I'm really sorry, Ahmed can take his seat back and I'll never kick it
Ahmed walked to the front of the room and sat in his chair, no one ever kicked it again... well
Omar never kicked it again, I don't know about the other kids.
Asama Hu Raba


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