His Story | Teen Ink

His Story

June 19, 2009
By loeyann SILVER, Marysville, Washington
loeyann SILVER, Marysville, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As he hiked along the twisting trail, he knew that the only thing keeping him going was his conscience. His feet felt heavy on the muddy ground, his breath weary. But he’d made a promise – a promise he intended to keep.

But each year, it grew harder and harder to make this trip. Each year he grew sicker and sicker.

He trudged on, but his strength was dwindling. The moonless night hid the trail in front of him. A cold sleet started to fall, soaking his clothes. His stomach hurt like no other.

Through his pain, he tried to remember the beginning. He recalled her smiling face the day she left him; the day she’d died of the same thing that was slowly killing him. She had made him promise to make this trip for her… when she couldn’t any more. Her faith hadn’t saved her. It wouldn’t save him.

Unexpected tears welled up in his eyes. Angrily, he blinked them back. He wouldn’t cry. He didn’t cry.
A glimmer of light appeared in his peripheral vision. He checked his watch. 3:00 AM. It was nowhere near sunrise. Where was that light coming from?

His curiosity got the better of him and he turned off the path – going against all his better judgment. With the light leading him forward, he made his way through the dense foliage.

The farther and farther he got from the main trail, the brighter the mysterious light became. He came to a clearing in the forest – the source of the light.
It was beautiful – warm and gentle, glowing and cheerful. The light was every color and yet, no color at all. He couldn’t understand it; it was incomprehensible.

When he entered the clearing, the light swirled joyfully around him. It bathed his entire body. His clothes dried and his energy was renewed.
All of his gloomy thoughts disappeared with the light. Nothing downcast or disagreeable could preside over it. The light was perfect.

So perfect, that every part of his body felt whole again. There was no pain, no discomfort, and no worry. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so healthy and so happy.

He heard a voice coming through the light. No, not through the light, the voice was the light.

Come to me and be completely healed and whole again, my son.

His broken body was restored to health. His heavy heart was lifted. His foggy purpose made clear. And the light will never leave him.


This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 3 2009 at 7:57 pm
SwimmerQueen SILVER, Snoqualmie, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments
You have a way with words!!! Im almost CRYING!!!!!