Sorrows | Teen Ink


March 4, 2012
By Aktersnurran SILVER, New York, New York
Aktersnurran SILVER, New York, New York
7 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Just like that, the world had come to an end. Like a candle being blown out. I fell to my knees in front of her body, feeling the chill in the air. I couldn't help being terrified. I had known her better than myself, and now a part of me was dead. ? How would I ever survive? ?
My gaze rested on her hair. Her beautiful, long, blonde hair. Her long legs. Her light blue eyes, staring into space, open wide. And a tear. She didn't die instantly. She felt the pain. ?
I buried my face in my hands, wanting to cry, but not being able to.

After an unknown amount of time, I looked up at the stars. They were brighter than usual. It was like they could feel my pain, were crying my tears for me. I screamed at the sky, until my lungs felt empty, until I was sure I would faint if I kept it up a second longer. I closed my eyes. The pain was still there. It wouldn't go away. ?
I reached out, carefully closing her eyes, then pulling up the bottom of her shirt, where the blood was coming from. A big cut in her side. A knife. I knew, judging by the blood, that the knife had gone through her heart as well. Her heart. My heart. Our heart.


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