R.A.N.G.E.R. part 3 | Teen Ink

R.A.N.G.E.R. part 3

March 20, 2010
By Anonymous

Read parts one and two first!!!

Keith walked Ray into a large, circular room. There was a big circular
table with a hollow center It was like that so a person could sit
inside the circle and have the attention of everyone around the
circle, Ray quickly realized.

A man was sitting on a chair in the center of the hollow table. He,
like Keith, was small. But, unlike Keith, he had an aura of command
about him.

The man turned to face Keith. "You've done a good job Keith. Was it
hard to get him away from the cops?" "Not at all, sir." Keith said.

Ray tryed a question "Excuse me um... sir," "But who are the Rangers."
the man finished for him, letting out a sigh of exasperation and
shaking his head slowly. "Keith, you know I've given you permission to
tell new recruits who the Rangers are," he said. "So, who are the
Rangers then ummm sir?" asked Ray as he tryed the question again.

"We are the Recon Assassains of the Next GEneRation, but, we usally go
as the Rangers." said the man. "Oh yes, I forgot to mention that we
work for the government."

Then, remembering proper manners, he introduced himself "My name's
Anthony. And your Ray of course." Anthony said, surprising Ray.

"What... but..." Ray said, but was interrupted before he could finish
"How do I know." said an exasperated Anthony. "Haven't you had a
feeling you were being watched over the last few months?" "Yes." Said
Ray, starting to understand."So, your people have been spying on me?"
Ray guessed.

"Yes Ray, 'our people' as you call them, have been spying on you."
Anthony responded "But why?" Ray asked. "Because," Anthony responded,
"your going to be our next trainee."


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 18 2010 at 1:06 pm
--LoveHappens--, Fairfield, Connecticut
0 articles 0 photos 342 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A friend is someone who knows you, but loves you anyway"

I love the suspense it is great. The only critique is you need to clean up a few places to make them flow a little better. Other than that i love the mysterious aspect great job